Tag Archives: Florida

Florida Republicans Oust Chairman Ziegler Amid Sexual Assault Allegations

In a decisive move, the Republican Party of Florida has removed Christian Ziegler from his position as chairman, following a private vote on Monday. The decision comes in the wake of a sexual assault allegation against Ziegler, who has vehemently denied any wrongdoing. The vote to oust him was reportedly almost unanimous, reflecting the party’s stance against retaining a leader facing such serious accusations.

The allegations against Ziegler involve the rape of a woman with whom he and his wife had a previous consensual sexual relationship. Despite the ongoing police investigation, Ziegler had resisted calls to resign, keeping the scandal in the headlines and causing frustration among Republicans who believed he could not effectively lead amid such controversy.

The vote, held in Tallahassee, saw about 200 party members participating, with only a handful opposing the motion to remove Ziegler. The statement accompanying the vote declared that Ziegler was no longer a member in good standing with the party. Evan Power, the head of the Leon County Republican Party in Tallahassee and the state party’s vice chairman, has been appointed as Ziegler’s replacement.

Ziegler’s suspension last month and subsequent refusal to resign prompted demands for his departure from prominent figures within the party, including Governor Ron DeSantis, Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, and other Republican leaders. The state party’s executive committee had previously censured Ziegler and stripped him of his duties and $120,000 annual salary.

Evan Power, who lost to Ziegler in a close vote for the state chair position in February, expressed gratitude for the support and emphasized his experience. As the newly appointed chairman, Power now faces the task of restarting fundraising efforts that had largely stalled during Ziegler’s scandal.

The change in leadership comes at a critical time for Florida Republicans, with DeSantis seeking the GOP nomination for president, Scott running for reelection, and the state playing a pivotal role in determining control of the U.S. House. Despite the upheaval, some political leaders, including U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, believe the scandal is unlikely to have a lasting impact on the party’s fortunes.

The swift transition from Ziegler to Power underscores the party’s commitment to moving forward, with Power already garnering support from key figures, including DeSantis, Rubio, and former party chairs. The focus now turns to the challenges of the upcoming election year, as the Republican Party of Florida seeks to regain stability and refocus on its political objectives.

Controversial Florida Law Sparks Resignations of Elected Officials in Polk County

In a surprising turn of events, several elected officials in Polk County find themselves out of office following the implementation of a controversial Florida law that came into effect on January 1. Among those affected is former Eagle Lake Mayor Cory Coler, who submitted his resignation on December 14, with his final day in office being December 29.

The Catalyst: Invasive Financial Disclosure Requirements

The catalyst for these resignations is the implementation of the new law, which mandates elected officials to file a comprehensive financial disclosure known as “Form 6.” This form requires officials to disclose everything they own valued at more than one thousand dollars. Coler, expressing his discomfort with the invasive nature of the disclosure, remarked, “Now people have information about you they didn’t have before, and they might look at you differently because of how much you make or how much you have in the bank.”

Prior to the enactment of this law, officials were only required to submit the less detailed “Form One” for financial disclosure. Coler argues that the increased scrutiny may dissuade potential candidates from stepping up to serve, particularly in smaller communities like Eagle Lake.

Resignations and Concerns for Future Leadership:

Apart from Mayor Coler, Eagle Lake City Commissioner Scott Clark and Bartow City Commissioner Steve Githens have also tendered their resignations. Coler emphasizes the difficulty in finding suitable replacements within the 60-day timeframe required by the city. With Eagle Lake boasting a population of around 3,000 residents, the reluctance of individuals to share detailed financial information may complicate the search for willing candidates.

Coler, who served as mayor since 2018, expressed hope that he can continue to contribute positively to the city even while out of office. He highlighted the importance of maintaining transparency in governance, stating, “That’s part of the beauty of Florida is that through cities and towns, we have that operation in the sunshine, and we have to have public hearings when we spend money.”

The Impact on Local Governance:

The repercussions of these resignations go beyond the individuals involved. The vacuum left by the departure of elected officials raises concerns about the stability and continuity of local governance in affected communities. As the controversy surrounding the new law unfolds, Polk County residents remain eager to see how the vacancies will be filled and how the affected cities will navigate the challenges ahead.


The implementation of the new Florida law has triggered a wave of resignations among elected officials in Polk County, leaving communities like Eagle Lake and Bartow in search of new leadership. The controversy surrounding the invasive financial disclosure requirements adds a layer of complexity to the situation, raising questions about the balance between transparency and privacy in local governance. As these communities strive to fill the void left by the resignations, the impact of the new law on future political engagement and leadership dynamics remains a topic of keen interest.

DeSantis Super PAC in Crisis

Jeff Roe, the top strategist behind Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign, has resigned from the super PAC “Never Back Down.” This marks the latest and most significant departure from the group, which has been embroiled in turmoil in recent weeks.

The Never Back Down super PAC has witnessed a series of shake-ups since the day before Thanksgiving, including the resignation of one chief executive and one board chairman, the firing of a second chief executive, and two other top officials. The latest exit by Roe comes after intense infighting and finger-pointing within the group, coinciding with a slip in the polls for Governor DeSantis.

DeSantis entered the Republican presidential race with a formidable war chest and a $269 million plan aimed at changing traditional campaign funding dynamics. The campaign’s first manager, Generra Peck, crafted the strategy and assembled the leadership for the massive super PAC, Never Back Down. The campaign and the super PAC engaged in lawyer-supervised meetings to fine-tune their mission, setting the stage for an unprecedented paid door-knocking effort in early states.

Despite campaign finance rules preventing private coordination of most spending between the two entities, they aimed to function as an integrated whole. Governed by a board that included DeSantis confidants, the super PAC was seeded with $82.5 million raised for the governor’s gubernatorial reelection, representing a groundbreaking move in relinquishing campaign operations to an entity the candidate could not legally control.

With just weeks remaining before the Iowa caucuses, this experimental collaboration now lies in ruins. The super PAC, responsible for funding the majority of DeSantis’ advertising, field programs, and a significant portion of his travel and events, finds itself sidelined amid internal conflicts.

Jeff Roe, a key architect of Never Back Down’s strategy, announced his resignation, deepening the group’s tumult. Roe cited his inability to stay affiliated with the super PAC after it sent statements to The Washington Post implying that officials connected to Roe’s firm were fired over “mismanagement and conduct issues.” In his resignation statement, Roe asserted that these claims were untrue and served as an unwanted distraction at a critical time for Governor DeSantis.

“I am resigning my position effective immediately,” Roe declared. “Governor DeSantis has been an exceptional governor, and I hope he will be the 47th President of the United States. I wish the Governor, First Lady, and their entire team the best through the rest of the campaign.”

As DeSantis navigates this internal upheaval, the future of Never Back Down and its impact on the presidential campaign remains uncertain, adding another layer of intrigue to the already dynamic political landscape.

Pro-DeSantis Super PAC Faces Shake-up as CEO Resigns

Chris Jankowski, the CEO of the pro-DeSantis super PAC “Never Back Down,” announced his resignation on Wednesday. Jankowski cited the challenging environment as a hindrance to achieving the super PAC’s primary objective of electing Governor Ron DeSantis as President.

“Never Back Down’s main goal and sole focus have been to elect Governor Ron DeSantis as President. Given the current environment, it has become untenable for me to deliver on the shared goal, and that goes well beyond a difference of strategic opinion,” said Jankowski in a statement released through a spokeswoman for the group.

Never Back Down had amassed an impressive war chest of $130 million in anticipation of Governor DeSantis’s presidential run. However, DeSantis, despite a resounding re-election in the previous year, has encountered a series of missteps and internal conflicts within his campaign, failing to pose a substantial challenge to the current Republican frontrunner, former President Donald Trump.

Trump, who has been a vocal critic of DeSantis, launched a barrage of criticisms even before DeSantis officially announced his presidential bid in May. Referring to him as “DeSanctimonious” or “DeSanctus,” Trump has continued to taunt his GOP rival.

Jankowski’s departure coincides with reports of internal disagreements within Never Back Down’s leadership. NBC News reported a heated argument among several members of the pro-DeSantis group during a budgeting discussion, shedding light on the discord within the organization.

Simultaneously, a new super PAC named “Fight Right” has emerged, receiving a substantial $1 million infusion. Reports suggest that Governor DeSantis and his wife expressed frustration with Never Back Down, providing insight into the creation of the alternative political action committee. The move indicates a shifting dynamic within the support structure for DeSantis’s presidential aspirations.

Before entering the 2024 GOP primary field, DeSantis was widely viewed as former President Trump’s chief rival. However, he has struggled to bridge the gap in national and early-state polling against Trump. Meanwhile, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley has made notable strides in states like New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Despite Haley’s progress, she, too, faces a substantial double-digit deficit against Trump in those states, raising questions about the feasibility of a non-Trump alternative in the Republican primary. The evolving landscape underscores the challenges faced by candidates seeking to emerge from the shadow of the former president and navigate the complexities of a divided party.

Former Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Convicted on Perjury Charges

Former Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby has been found guilty on two counts of perjury by a federal jury. The verdict, reached on Thursday, follows allegations that Mosby falsely claimed financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic to withdraw $90,000 from the city’s retirement fund, which she then utilized for down payments on two vacation properties in Florida.

The charges against Mosby emerged before she was defeated in a Democratic primary last year, capping off her two-term tenure as state’s attorney for Baltimore. The case gained attention due to her previous high-profile role in charging the six police officers involved in the Freddy Gray case, where a Black man died while in police custody in 2015. The officers involved were either acquitted or faced mistrials.

U.S. Attorney Erek L. Barron, responding to the verdict, stated, “We respect the jury’s verdict and remain steadfastly committed to our mission to uphold the rule of law, keep our country safe, protect the civil rights of all Americans, and safeguard public property.”

The indictment alleges that Mosby did not experience the financial hardships she claimed. Contrary to her assertions, she received her full gross salary of $247,955.58 from January 1, 2020, through December 29, 2020, with bi-weekly gross pay direct deposits of $9,183.54.

James Wyda, Mosby’s lawyer, declined to comment, citing a gag order in place. Mosby initially pleaded not guilty to the charges.

This conviction is not the end of legal troubles for Mosby, as she also faces two counts of making false mortgage applications in a pending federal case related to the purchase of the two Florida vacation homes. The trial date for this case has not been set yet.

If convicted on the false mortgage application charges, Mosby could potentially face a maximum prison sentence of 30 years for each of the two counts. The developments in Mosby’s case continue to draw attention and raise questions about the conduct of a prominent former prosecutor.

Trump and DeSantis Clash at GOP Summit

In the showdown that unfolded at a Florida GOP event in Orlando, the simmering rivalry between former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took center stage. It was a contest to claim the title of the dominant GOP figure in the Sunshine State, a place both men call home.

As they took the podium, the battle was not just of words but of visuals, with dueling video backdrops flashing the messages: “Florida is DeSantis Country” and “Florida is Trump Country.” It was a clear signal that the fight for Florida’s political heart was in full swing.

Former President Trump wasted no time in launching a fresh attack on his Republican rival, Ron DeSantis, characterizing the Florida Governor as a “wounded falling bird” during his address to the GOP faithful at the Florida GOP Freedom Summit. This event marked yet another chapter in the growing rivalry between two political figures who were once staunch allies.

Even before the main event, it was evident where much of the crowd’s loyalty lay. Presidential candidates Asa Hutchinson and Chris Christie, who have been critical of Trump, were met with a chorus of boos as they addressed the audience. DeSantis, who chose not to engage directly with the former president during his time on stage, opted to focus on his achievements as Florida’s governor. He proudly touted his conservative policies as the way forward for the Republican Party.

While DeSantis has sharpened his criticisms against Trump on the campaign trail, he cautiously avoided directly challenging him on the stage during his 30-minute speech at the Florida Freedom Summit. Instead, he highlighted the strides Florida has made in championing conservative values.

In contrast, Trump took the opportunity to boast about his significant lead in the state and demonstrated his strength by inviting a group of lawmakers who had recently switched their endorsements from DeSantis to stand with him on the stage.

Despite once being viewed as a formidable contender against Trump in the 2024 presidential elections, recent polling indicates that DeSantis is trailing Trump by a substantial 27 percentage points. During his lengthy hour-long speech, Trump didn’t hold back in his criticism of DeSantis, repeatedly referring to him as “Ron DeSanctimonious” and “Ron DeSanctus.” He humorously recounted DeSantis’s plea for his endorsement during his first gubernatorial campaign, when, as Trump described it, “tears were flowing from his eyes.”

Public polls currently show Trump in a commanding lead, with DeSantis and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley vying for second place. Interestingly, it was reported that Haley had opted not to attend the event due to family concerns, leaving DeSantis as the sole candidate present who has managed to gain traction in a GOP primary that has so far been dominated by Trump.

As the countdown to the 2024 election continues, the battle for political supremacy in Florida has captivated the nation. The rivalry between Trump and DeSantis, once inseparable allies, has taken a new and contentious turn, leaving both supporters and onlookers eagerly anticipating the unfolding political drama.