Pro-DeSantis Super PAC Faces Turmoil with CEO Firings and Leadership Changes

In a recent shake-up within the political landscape surrounding Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a pro-DeSantis super PAC has undergone significant turmoil, resulting in the firing of its CEO and other top officials. The developments come just days after the resignation of the previous chief executive, marking the second CEO departure in less than two weeks.

The super PAC, known as Never Back Down, has played a crucial role in overseeing much of Ron DeSantis’s presidential operation. The latest wave of dismissals includes CEO Kristin Davison, who took over the position on November 22 following the resignation of Chris Jankowski. Jankowski cited an untenable situation and a divergence in strategic goals as reasons for his departure.

Adding to the leadership vacuum, Erin Perrine, a spokesperson for Never Back Down, and Matthew Palmisano, another high-ranking official, were also terminated. This sudden overhaul has prompted the appointment of Scott Wagner as the third CEO in the span of just two weeks. Wagner, a former member of the PAC’s board, will assume the dual role of CEO and chairman.

Former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt, who served as the group’s chair, also stepped down recently, explaining that after “nearly 26 straight months of being in a full-scale campaign,” he needed to redirect his focus to his family and law practice.

The turbulence within Never Back Down comes amidst growing tensions and public disputes among Governor DeSantis’s allies. Reports suggest that the late-in-the-race establishment of a new super PAC, named Fight Right, raised eyebrows and was perceived as an effort to redirect advertising funds. DeSantis and some of his advisers have openly criticized Never Back Down, particularly its advertising strategy, leading to internal conflicts.

There have been concerns among DeSantis allies that the negative ads associated with Never Back Down may be damaging to the Republican governor’s image. However, the campaign has recently embraced Fight Right, with DeSantis actively courting donors for the new entity during his recent visit to Palm Beach, Florida.

Simultaneously, Governor DeSantis concluded his tour of all 99 counties in Iowa over the weekend, signaling a significant focus on the state in the lead-up to the Iowa caucuses, which are less than two months away. The campaign appears to be allocating substantial resources and attention to Iowa, underlining the critical role the state plays in DeSantis’s political strategy.

As the dust settles from these recent changes, the fate of Never Back Down and its evolving relationship with the DeSantis campaign remain uncertain, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the dynamics of the Florida governor’s presidential aspirations.

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