Tag Archives: Replublican

Trump vs DeSantis: GOP Clash

Former President Donald Trump is making waves in the Sunshine State, Florida. As we gear up for a key party nomination debate in Miami next week, five Republican legislators from Florida have switched their endorsements from Governor Ron DeSantis to the ex-POTUS himself.

It’s all part of Trump’s strategy to expand his support in Florida and, in the process, overshadow Governor DeSantis’s presidential aspirations right in their shared home state. Recent days have seen Trump securing some significant endorsements, including those from U.S. Senator Rick Scott and state lawmaker Randy Fine, who was a long-time DeSantis ally.

But that’s not all – Trump has already garnered the backing of the majority of the state’s Republicans in Congress, and the word on the street is that more Florida Republicans might soon join the Trump train. The implications are clear: Trump’s dominance in the 2024 Republican race is undeniable, while DeSantis’s once highly anticipated White House bid appears to be hitting some rough waters.

DeSantis, known for enacting policies favored by conservatives and pushing Florida further to the right, now finds himself lagging behind in the 2024 race. He’s not just in a race for the nomination; he’s also up against a Trump campaign with a laser focus on embarrassing DeSantis both within his home state and on a national stage.

Florida has always been DeSantis’s stronghold, serving as the source of his campaign’s financial support and key talking points about his conservative governance. Many GOP members of the Florida Legislature had previously endorsed DeSantis. However, the recent endorsements switch is a significant blow to his campaign.

In the midst of this political clash, it’s worth noting that Trump is currently well ahead in national polls and early state support. He’s also eager to establish his dominance over DeSantis in a state they both call home, which could further erode the Florida Governor’s chances.

DeSantis’s once-impressive tally of 99 Florida legislator endorsements from his home state has dwindled to 93. Some lawmakers seem to be sticking with him to avoid potential vetoes of their bills or hometown spending projects. Meanwhile, the legislators who’ve switched to Team Trump, like State Congresswoman Jessica Baker, cite concerns over world instability and economic insecurity as reasons for their change in allegiance.

As the race unfolds and the primary season approaches, it’s clear that Florida will remain a battleground where these two GOP heavyweights battle it out for supremacy. Stay tuned for more updates on this political showdown!

Mike Pence Ends Presidential Campaign

In a major political twist, Former Vice President Mike Pence has officially pulled the plug on his quest for the Republican presidential nomination. This announcement came after Pence’s uphill battle to raise funds and make a significant impact in the polls.

With a sense of solemnity, Pence declared at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual conference in Las Vegas, “After much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign for president effective today.” This decision carries immense weight, given Pence’s deep ties to the Republican party.

However, the writing was on the wall for Pence’s campaign as financial woes loomed large. By the end of the third quarter, he found himself grappling with a substantial debt of approximately $620,000. To make matters worse, as October rolled in, he had a mere $1.18 million in cash on hand, according to his latest disclosure with the Federal Election Commission.

In stark contrast, the former President and Pence’s former boss-turned-rival, Donald Trump, entered October with a war chest of more than $37 million. This stark financial disparity exemplified the uphill battle Pence faced.

Pence’s exit from the 2024 race is an unmistakable sign that the Republican landscape has evolved significantly, reshaped by the indelible imprint of Trump. His brand of conservatism, once the hallmark of the GOP, now finds itself overshadowed in a party that has been thoroughly influenced by the former President.

Even as Trump grapples with legal troubles, he remains the dominant figure in the 2024 GOP presidential race. The shadows of his influence loom large, and the Republican landscape continues to pivot in his direction.

This development underscores the ever-evolving narrative of American politics, where established figures must adapt to the changing winds and political landscapes or make the tough call, as Pence did, to step back from the presidential race.

Who is Tom Emmer ?

In a stunning twist of political events, Republican Tom Emmer has shocked the nation by abruptly stepping down from his bid to become the House speaker. This surprising move came just hours after he clinched the internal party nomination. The reason? Well, it became apparent that he lacked the necessary support from his GOP colleagues to wield the gavel effectively.

The drama unfolded as House Republicans were scrambling to find a successor for Kevin McCarthy, who was ousted from his role on October 3, marking a historic moment in American politics. With a razor-thin GOP majority in the House, Emmer could only afford to lose the support of four Republicans, but a whopping 26 members voted against him behind closed doors. Even a phone call with former President Donald Trump over the weekend couldn’t save his bid, as Trump continued to air his grievances against Emmer on his Truth Social platform.

Tom Emmer, a seasoned Minnesota lawmaker, first entered Congress in 2014 and recently rose to the position of majority whip earlier this year. Prior to his congressional career, Emmer faced a loss in the 2010 race for Minnesota governor and served as a state representative from 2004 to 2008. His experience spans various roles, including sitting on the House Financial Services Committee and previously chairing the National Republican Congressional Committee.

Emmer’s tenure as majority whip provided him with the experience of managing the GOP’s narrow majority, but it seems that his bid for House speaker was not to be. Interestingly, former President Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 presidential election and the driving force behind the “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan, noted that Emmer “wasn’t MAGA.”

This surprising turn of events leaves Republicans in a state of disarray, as they continue to grapple with the aftermath of McCarthy’s ouster earlier in the month. The race for House speaker remains as contentious as ever, and the nation watches with bated breath to see how this political drama unfolds.