Tag Archives: NYC

NYC Mayor Confirms Top Fundraiser’s Exit Amidst FBI Raid

New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced on Tuesday that Brianna Suggs, his top campaign fundraiser, is no longer serving in her role, following an FBI raid on her home in early November. The raid was conducted as part of an investigation into whether foreign money was funneled into Mayor Adams’ mayoral campaign.

During the search of Suggs‘ residence, the FBI seized three iPhones and two laptop computers, along with papers and other evidence related to a corruption inquiry. While Mayor Adams is not directly under investigation, the focus of the probe is on potential foreign contributions to his campaign.

Initially expressing “full confidence” in Suggs, Mayor Adams had previously stated that he saw her as qualified for the position and wanted her to remain on his team. However, in a surprising turn of events, Adams confirmed her departure during his weekly press briefing on Tuesday, without elaborating on the reasons for the change.

“She is no longer doing fundraising for the campaign,” Adams said in response to a reporter’s question.

A source close to the campaign revealed that Suggs will remain on staff for the 2025 reelection but is transitioning to a new role, though the specifics of that role were not immediately clear.

Adding another layer to the unfolding drama, it was disclosed on Tuesday that Suggs has retained an attorney separate from the campaign. Attorney Rebecca Ricigliano, a former federal prosecutor in the Southern District and the first deputy in New Jersey’s Attorney General Office, will lead her defense.

In the aftermath of the raids, Mayor Adams had previously heaped praise on Suggs, expressing his “full confidence” in her abilities when asked if she would continue on the campaign. Suggs, a 25-year-old campaign consultant, had experienced a rapid rise in the Democratic machine, attributed to her close ties with Mayor Adams’ longstanding top adviser, Ingrid Lewis-Martin. Sources have described Lewis-Martin as a political “godmother” to Suggs.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Faces Allegations of 1993 Sexual Assault Amidst Ongoing FBI Investigation

A woman has come forward accusing New York City Mayor Eric Adams of sexually assaulting her in 1993, according to court documents filed under New York’s Adult Survivors Act. The summons, which is a precursor to a formal complaint, lists Adams, the New York Police Department (NYPD), and the New York Police Department Guardians Association as defendants.

The three-page filing lacks specific details about the alleged assault but states that the plaintiff was sexually assaulted by Eric Adams in New York while both were employed by the City of New York. At the time, Adams held the position of police captain.

In response to the allegations, a spokesperson from City Hall issued a statement asserting the mayor’s denial of the claims and emphasized that Adams does not recall ever meeting the plaintiff. The statement vehemently denies any physical harm inflicted by Adams and emphasizes his commitment to refuting the allegations.

The plaintiff, represented by attorney Megan Goddard, is seeking a trial and a minimum of $5 million in relief, as indicated in the filing. Notably, a source reports that the NYPD has no record of the woman working for the police department.

The accusations against Mayor Adams come within the context of the Adult Survivors Act, which came into effect in New York in November 2022. This legislation provided a one-year window for survivors of sexual abuse to file suits in state and federal courts, circumventing the statute of limitations. The filing deadline for such cases is set to expire imminently.

Several high-profile individuals, including celebrities, politicians, and sports figures, have faced legal action under this law. Among them are Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose, comedian Bill Cosby, Oscar winner Cuba Gooding Jr., and rap mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs. Notably, Combs swiftly settled the suit brought against him by his former girlfriend, Casandra Ventura.

In the midst of these allegations, Mayor Adams is also contending with an ongoing FBI investigation into his 2021 campaign. Agents recently seized his cellphones and conducted a raid on the home of his chief campaign fundraiser. The investigation centers around whether Adams improperly attempted to facilitate approval for a 35-story skyscraper for the government of Turkey, despite concerns regarding the building’s fire safety systems.

Adams, a Democrat with a background as a New York City police officer, rose through the ranks to become captain before entering the political arena. He has served as a state senator, Brooklyn borough president, and currently holds the position of mayor.

While Adams has admitted lobbying the former FDNY commissioner over safety delays to the opening of a new Turkish consulate in 2021, he categorically denies any wrongdoing in the matter. The unfolding situation adds another layer of complexity to Adams’ political career, prompting heightened scrutiny as both legal and investigative proceedings continue.

Cuomo Eyes NYC Mayor Run Amid Eric Adams Probe

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is reportedly considering a bid for New York City mayor, signaling his interest to political allies if fellow Democrat Eric Adams faces challenges stemming from an ongoing federal investigation. The news comes more than two years after Cuomo resigned from the governorship amidst allegations of sexual harassment and criticism regarding his administration’s handling of Covid-19 data related to nursing homes.

Cuomo, who has kept a relatively low profile since his resignation, has recently begun gauging the viability of a mayoral bid, according to sources close to him. While he would not entertain the idea of running against Adams in a primary race, Cuomo is said to be open to a bid if Adams’ political future takes a downturn due to the federal investigation.

Eric Adams, the current Mayor of New York City, has been facing a decline in public support, particularly in light of recent scrutiny regarding his interactions with Turkey. A Marist College poll examining the quality of life in New York State revealed that seven in ten voters in New York City believe Adams committed wrongdoing during his 2021 mayoral campaign.(source: Politico).

Cuomo, born and raised in Queens, would be eligible to run for mayor if he resides in New York City on Election Day. While he has not faced criminal charges and maintains his innocence, Cuomo’s resignation in 2021 followed a state investigation that concluded he sexually harassed 11 women in the workplace. Additional controversies surrounded a $5 million book deal detailing his handling of the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic and investigations into his administration’s underreporting of nursing home deaths from Covid-19.

Despite the challenges, Cuomo has consistently expressed a desire to return to public office. He reportedly considered running against Governor Kathy Hochul for New York state’s highest office in 2022 and even explored the possibility of a presidential run in 2020.

Friends close to Cuomo and Adams suggest that Cuomo values his friendship with the current mayor and would not consider running in a primary race that includes Adams. Mutual acquaintances believe a head-to-head primary between the two men is unlikely.

“He’s legitimately close to Eric Adams, and there’s no way he’d run against him,” commented a friend of Cuomo, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide insights into the dynamic between the two Democrats.

As Adams’ mayoral campaign faces increasing uncertainty due to the deepening federal investigation, the potential entry of Cuomo into the race adds an intriguing element to the New York City political landscape. As both politicians navigate their respective challenges, the future of the mayoral race remains uncertain, with political observers closely monitoring developments in the coming months.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Implements Budget Cuts

In a bid to address a staggering $7.1 billion deficit projected for the 2025 fiscal year, Mayor Eric Adams has announced a series of budget cuts totaling $2.1 billion. The cuts come as part of a 5% city government-wide spending reduction proposed in September, aimed at meeting January goals.

During a town hall in Brooklyn on Monday night, Mayor Adams attributed the need for budget cuts to the surge in costs associated with addressing the influx of more than 125,000 migrants since last year. The city’s expenditure reached $1.45 billion in fiscal 2023 on the migrant crisis, necessitating measures to alleviate financial strain.

Adams expressed frustration with the federal government, claiming abandonment by Washington, D.C., and asserting that they should bear the costs of this “national problem.” The mayor specifically highlighted the challenges posed by the federal government’s failure to grant legal work permits to migrants, contributing to the strain on the city’s resources.

Despite widespread cuts across various departments, Adams announced exemptions for essential services provided by the NYPD, FDNY, and the Sanitation Department. Budget Director Jacques Jiha cited potential impacts on public safety, health, and cleanliness as reasons for sparing these agencies from further cuts.

To achieve the targeted $2.1 billion reduction, the mayor plans to heavily cut funding to housing and services for migrants, slashing predicted spending in these areas by 20% in the 2024 and 2025 fiscal years. The reduction will involve shortening the length of stays in shelters to 30 days for individuals and 60 days for families, a measure that has been under consideration since July.

City agencies primarily responsible for responding to the migrant crisis, including the Departments of Homeless Services, Housing Preservation and Development, Emergency Management, and Health+ Hospitals, will bear the brunt of the funding cuts.

Adams expressed regret at the necessity of these measures, stating, “I truly wish that there were other, less painful, ways to address this budget crisis.” He placed blame on both Washington D.C. and Albany for the drastic measures, further straining his relationship with the White House and President Joe Biden, whom he hasn’t spoken to in nearly a year.

Despite Adams and Gov. Kathy Hochul’s repeated calls for increased federal support, the mayor’s plea for aid has been hindered by a federal investigation into his campaign finances. A planned meeting with White House officials earlier this month was abandoned as Adams returned to New York to address the FBI probe.

As the city grapples with financial challenges exacerbated by the migrant crisis, Mayor Adams remains resolute in his calls for federal assistance, asserting, “We deserve better as a city.”

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Establishes Legal Defense Fund Amidst Ongoing Corruption Investigation

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is taking proactive steps in response to the ongoing federal investigation into potential corruption during his 2021 mayoral campaign. In an effort to address legal expenses arising from inquiries by the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Adams has established The Eric Adams Legal Defense Trust.

The fund allows the mayor to receive donations outside the regular campaign cycle, with contributions capped at $5,000. This development comes as the FBI and the US attorney’s office continue their wide-ranging probe into the campaign’s operations, specifically examining allegations of collusion with the government of Turkey and the acceptance of potentially illegal donations from Turkish citizens through straw donors.

While Adams has not been formally accused of any wrongdoing, federal investigators executed a series of raids and interviews on November 2nd. This included stopping Adams on a New York City street, seizing his cell phones and iPad, as well as raiding the home of Brianna Suggs, the mayor’s fundraising chief.

The Eric Adams Legal Defense Trust is designed to defray legal expenses associated with the investigation. According to an affidavit signed by Adams, the trust’s creation is necessitated by the inquiries from the US Attorney’s office, emphasizing its intended use for covering legal bills related to the campaign committee.

To ensure transparency, the fund will be monitored by the city’s Conflict of Interest Board, an independent agency. Donors contributing $100 or more will have their names and addresses disclosed quarterly to the Conflicts of Interest Board, aligning with legal requirements.

Vitto Pitta, representing the Adams campaign in the investigation, stated, “After consultation with the Campaign Finance Board and the Conflicts of Interest Board, it was determined that a trust should be created for any legal expenses.” Pitta LLP, the law firm that oversaw Adams’ campaign compliance, is listed in the registration of the trust.

Adams faces certain legal constraints in this process. While he can accept donations up to $5,000, his subordinates in government are barred from contributing, as are individuals involved in city business. The establishment of The Eric Adams Legal Defense Trust underscores the mayor’s commitment to addressing legal challenges arising from the investigation in a transparent and compliant manner.

As the investigation unfolds, the mayor and his legal team are actively engaging with authorities, and the establishment of the defense fund marks a strategic move to navigate the complexities of the ongoing inquiry.

FBI Seizes Mayor Eric Adams’ Phone in Fundraising Probe

F.B.I has seized the electronic devices of New York City Mayor Eric Adams as part of an escalating federal investigation delving into his campaign fundraising activities. The recent seizure follows previous FBI visits to the home of his top fundraiser, Brianna Suggs.

This week, FBI agents obtained phones and an iPad from Mayor Adams following an evening event in Manhattan, acting under a court-authorized warrant. The probe specifically targets whether foreign funds were directed to Adams’ campaign, placing the spotlight directly on the Democrat mayor. Although Adams hasn’t faced any accusations of misconduct yet, the investigation focuses on potential ties to foreign entities, particularly from Turkey.

Responding to the investigation, Mayor Adams, drawing on his law enforcement background, emphasized his commitment to lawful conduct and full cooperation. “I have nothing to hide,” Adams stated, underlining his expectation for his team to comply with the law and support ongoing investigations.

Earlier this week, during a news conference, Adams expressed unwavering confidence in the integrity of his campaign’s operations, stating his disbelief in any potential illegal coordination within his campaign.

The FBI’s previous search of Brianna Suggs’ residence aimed to uncover whether the mayor’s campaign received illicit foreign donations, potentially funneled through a Brooklyn construction company. The New York Times first broke the news about the mayor’s devices being seized, further intensifying the public spotlight on the ongoing federal investigation.

Mayor Adams, a former New York Police Department captain, campaigned as a staunch Democrat focused on law enforcement, advocating for increased staffing and funding for the NYPD. However, recent allegations in July implicated six individuals in diverting substantial sums to Adams’ campaign through straw donors, with two individuals already pleading guilty. Despite these charges filed in state court, Adams has not been directly linked to the scheme, with his representatives affirming his lack of knowledge about the alleged activities.

Boyd Johnson, the campaign attorney for Adams, confirmed reports of an individual’s recent improper actions, promptly reported to investigators, underscoring the mayor’s commitment to cooperation. The FBI’s approach to the mayor after an event saw immediate compliance, with Adams willingly providing his electronic devices. While the mayor hasn’t faced allegations of wrongdoing, he continues to actively engage with the investigation, offering further devices as requested.

Most of the seized devices have since been returned, according to insider sources, adding another layer to this unfolding investigation into Mayor Eric Adams’ campaign fundraising practices.