Florida Republicans Remove Party Chair Amidst Rape Investigation

The Republican Party of Florida voted on Sunday to strip Christian Ziegler, their party chairperson, of power and reduce his salary to $1 following a tense meeting in Central Florida. This decision came in the wake of a police investigation into rape allegations against Ziegler, adding a layer of controversy as the Zieglers had advocated for traditional family values.

The meeting, held at an Orlando hotel, was the first time Ziegler faced the 39 executive board members since news broke about the ongoing police investigation. According to a search warrant affidavit, Ziegler and his wife, Bridget Ziegler, cofounder of Moms for Liberty, admitted to engaging in a three-way sexual encounter with the alleged victim a year earlier, fueling accusations of hypocrisy given their stance on family values.

Despite weeks of pressure from top Republicans, including Governor Ron DeSantis, Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, and legislative leaders, Ziegler refused to step down voluntarily. Party members expressed anger over Ziegler’s reluctance, necessitating the emergency meeting during a busy holiday season and stormy weekend.

During the Orlando meeting, the executive committee declared Ziegler unfit for office, stripped most of his authority, and reduced his salary to $1. While stopping short of an immediate ousting, these moves are widely seen as the final steps before potential removal.

Ziegler, 40, apologized to the executive committee but argued that the meeting itself was improper. The votes against him were unanimous, reflecting the party’s frustration with the situation’s impact on their reputation.

Evan Power, the state party’s vice chairman, will temporarily assume most of the chairman’s duties. Members cited the criminal investigation as a serious distraction, making it untenable for Ziegler to effectively lead the party into a crucial presidential election year.

An emergency statewide meeting is scheduled for January 8 in Tallahassee. If Ziegler does not resign by then, the party will move to remove him and elect a new chairman.

In the days leading up to the meeting, rumors circulated about a potential buyout for Ziegler’s departure, with some suggesting a figure of up to $2 million. However, this idea gained little support among party members.

Ziegler, who became chairman in February, had a background in local politics, serving as a county commissioner and state party vice chairman. Bridget Ziegler, 41, a prominent figure in Florida’s cultural battles over school curriculums, was appointed to the Sarasota County School Board in 2014. Despite the school board’s non-binding vote calling for her resignation, Bridget has given no indication of stepping down.

The Zieglers’ influence extended into conservative activism, notably through the Moms for Liberty organization, which has led efforts to remove books deemed inappropriate from classrooms. Bridget Ziegler also found herself at the center of cultural clashes within Florida schools, a battleground where Governor DeSantis has been actively involved. DeSantis appointed her to the board overseeing Disney’s special taxing district amid disputes over a state law restricting the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity in classrooms.

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