Tony Cárdenas

Democratic Congressman Tony Cárdenas Announces Decision Not to Seek Reelection in 2024

In a recent announcement that has reverberated through California’s political landscape, Democratic Representative Tony Cárdenas has declared that he will not seek reelection in 2024. Representing California’s 29th district, nestled in the reliably Democratic San Fernando Valley, Cárdenas has held his seat since 2013, contributing significantly to both state and federal legislative efforts.

Cárdenas, a former state assemblyman and Los Angeles city councilmember, has been a prominent figure on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, focusing extensively on consumer issues. His notable legislative contributions include efforts to restore the Federal Trade Commission’s power to protect consumers, a move prompted by a Supreme Court ruling in April 2021 that stripped the agency of this authority.

The decision not to seek reelection adds Cárdenas to a growing list of congressional members choosing to step away from their positions, marking the 10th retirement in November alone. This trend, with 18 Democrats and 10 Republicans announcing their retirement or pursuit of alternative offices, underscores the evolving landscape of the U.S. Congress.

Cárdenas, cognizant of the significance of his departure, has endorsed Democratic Assembly member Luz Rivas as his successor in the solidly Democratic San Fernando Valley district. The move is unlikely to shift the balance of power in Congress favorably for the GOP.

A member of the Consumer Protection and Commerce Subcommittee, Cárdenas has been instrumental in championing legislation addressing consumer safety, including a ban on inclined sleepers and crib bumpers that pose risks to infants. His dedication to consumer protection has been a hallmark of his congressional tenure.

Reflecting on his decision, Cárdenas expressed a desire for a new chapter in his career, emphasizing that he is at a stage where he can explore opportunities outside the confines of Washington, D.C. He highlighted his achievements in overhauling the state juvenile justice system and advocating against the solitary confinement of minors in federal prisons.

Cárdenas, elected to the Assembly in 1996 at the age of 33, has had a distinguished political career, serving three terms in Sacramento and three more on the Los Angeles City Council. In 2013, he made history as the first Latino to represent the Valley in Congress, winning the seat after redistricting adjustments.

As Cárdenas prepares to conclude his tenure, he expressed pride in his legislative accomplishments, with over 180 bills sponsored during his time in Congress. Three of these bills became law, including a 2021 measure addressing crib safety for babies.

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Cárdenas stated, “It will be the first time in 28 years that I’m not on the ballot.” His decision reflects a thoughtful consideration of his career and a desire to explore new opportunities outside the nation’s capital.

The announcement leaves a void in California’s 29th district, prompting speculation about the future trajectory of the constituency and the impact of Cárdenas’ departure on the broader political landscape.

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