Oldest US presidents in office

When President Biden became president on Jan. 21, 2021, he was 78 years old

Donald Trump was 70 years old when he took office in 2017

Ronald Reagan took office at the age of 69 in January 1981

William Henry Harrison was 68 years old when he became president in 1841

James Buchanan was 65 years old when he took office in 1857

George H.W. Bush was 64 years and 222 days old when he was sworn into office in 1989

Zachary Taylor was 64 years and 100 days old when he took office in March 1849

Dwight D. Eisenhower was 62 years old when he became president

Andrew Jackson was 61 years and 125 days old when he was sworn in as president

John Adams was 61 years and 125 days old when he became president