Tag Archives: Democrat

Commission on Presidential Debates Announces 2024 Debate Schedule

In a press release on Monday, the Commission on Presidential Debates revealed the dates and venues for the upcoming 2024 general election debates. The nonpartisan organization, established in 1987 and sponsored by both Republicans and Democrats, has been responsible for overseeing these critical electoral events since 1988.

The presidential debates are scheduled to take place on Sept. 16 at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas; Oct. 1 at Virginia State University in Petersburg, Va.; and Oct. 9 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. The vice-presidential debate is set for Sept. 25 at Lafayette College in Easton, Pa. All debates are slated to run for 90 minutes with no commercial breaks.

While the moderators and specific formats are yet to be disclosed, the commission emphasized that candidates must meet certain criteria to qualify for participation. To be eligible, candidates must appear on “enough state ballots to have at least a mathematical chance of securing an Electoral College majority” and maintain an average of 15% support in five national polls.

Both major parties are expected to formally nominate their candidates at the Republican National Convention in July in Milwaukee and the Democratic National Convention in August in Chicago.

Notably, the Commission on Presidential Debates, in an effort to maintain neutrality, receives no government funding or support from either major political party. The organization’s commitment to impartiality was underscored last year when the Republican National Committee severed ties with the commission, accusing it of bias.

The question of whether former President Donald J. Trump will participate in the general election debates remains open. While he refrained from attending Republican primary debates, the decision to participate ultimately lies with the nominee. The Republican National Committee’s disassociation from the commission last year adds an additional layer of uncertainty.

Equally uncertain is whether President Joe Biden will commit to participating. The Biden campaign has not confirmed participation, citing concerns over the commission’s handling of COVID-19 protocols during the 2020 debates. The commission faced criticism for perceived lax enforcement after the first debate, following which President Trump tested positive for the virus.

A spokesperson for President Biden declined to comment on Monday, while a spokesperson for Mr. Trump did not provide an on-the-record statement. As the election season unfolds, the nation awaits further details on the moderators, formats, and, crucially, the participation of the candidates in these pivotal debates.

Rep. Brian Higgins to Leave Congress

Representative Brian Higgins of New York, a Democrat, has announced his departure from Congress in February, citing frustration with the dysfunction in Washington as a key factor in his decision. The 64-year-old, serving his 10th term and a member of influential committees like Ways and Means and Budget, expressed that the timing for change feels right.

Higgins, one among several recent House members to declare their departure, emphasized, “It was nineteen years ago this month that I was first elected to serve in Congress, and doing this work has truly been the honor of a lifetime.”

According to New York law, Governor Kathy Hochul will be tasked with calling a special election to find Higgins’ successor next year. The departure of multiple Senate and House members, with many choosing retirement from public office, reflects a growing trend in the political landscape.

During his tenure, Higgins was lauded for spearheading the revitalization of Buffalo’s waterfront. His efforts, commencing in 2005, involved negotiations for funding from the New York Power Authority, which sells hydropower generated from Niagara Falls diverted water. Notably, he holds positions as co-chair of the Northern Border Caucus and Bipartisan Cancer Caucus and is a member of the Great Lakes Task Force.

Higgins’ decision marks a significant shift in the political scene, leaving a vacant seat that will prompt a special election, while his legacy remains tied to his impactful contributions to the development and advocacy within his district and nationwide.

Sen. Joe Manchin Opts Out in 2024

Senator Joe Manchin will not seek Re-election in 2024

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia declared on Thursday that he will not seek re-election in 2024, opening the door for Republicans to potentially secure a valuable seat in the deeply GOP-leaning state.

At the age of 75, Manchin revealed in a carefully crafted statement that his decision was the result of “months of deliberation and long conversations” with his family. The announcement poses a significant challenge for Democrats striving to maintain their slim majority in the upcoming election.

The Democratic Party is already facing a daunting task in 2024, with 23 Senate seats on the ballot, particularly in fiercely contested states such as Ohio, Montana, and now West Virginia. Manchin, noting that he has accomplished his goals for his home state, emphasized that his departure from the Senate does not mark the end of his political journey.

In the wake of Manchin’s decision, West Virginia’s Republican governor, Jim Justice, who is term-limited, swiftly disclosed his intention to vie for Manchin’s seat. Justice is set to compete against West Virginia Rep. Alex Mooney in the primary, intensifying the competition for the pivotal Senate position.

Despite his exit from the Senate race, Manchin asserted on Thursday that he will stay active in the political arena. Intriguingly, he hinted at the possibility of an unconventional presidential bid, a move that could capitalize on the widespread dissatisfaction evident in polls measuring public sentiment towards both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, currently the anticipated Democratic and Republican nominees for 2024.

“I have made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided that I will not be running for reelection to the United States Senate, but what I will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring Americans together,” Manchin declared, leaving the door open for a new chapter in his political career.

Renewed GOP Effort to Censure Rep. Tlaib

In a renewed effort to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Republicans Reps. Rich McCormick (R-Ga.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) introduced separate resolutions on Monday following Tlaib’s defense of using the controversial anti-Israel slogan “from the river to the sea.” The move, orchestrated through a procedural maneuver making the resolutions “privileged,” demands a vote on the matter within two legislative days.

This marks the second attempt within a week by Republicans to hold Tlaib accountable for her comments. The first effort, led by Greene, failed last week when the House voted against advancing the censure motion. The resolution faced opposition from 23 Republicans, who joined Democrats in voting to table the measure.

Rep Tlaib’s office swiftly responded to the renewed push, referring to Greene’s initial resolution as “deeply Islamophobic and attacks peaceful Jewish anti-war advocates.” Tlaib herself stood firm, expressing her pride in standing with Jewish peace advocates who called for a ceasefire and an end to the violence in the region. She vehemently stated, “I will not be bullied, I will not be dehumanized, and I will not be silenced.”

The controversy stems from Tlaib’s defense of the slogan “from the river to the sea,” which many in the Jewish community interpret as advocating for the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state. Tlaib, the House’s only Palestinian American, has maintained her stance, asserting that her support is for peaceful initiatives and an end to the ongoing conflict.

While the issue has sparked heated debates within the House, it also highlights the broader discussions around free speech and the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Advocates of Tlaib argue that her remarks are within the bounds of legitimate political discourse, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue on sensitive issues.

As the House prepares for the impending vote on the resolutions, tensions are running high on both sides of the aisle. The outcome of this latest effort to censure Tlaib remains uncertain, underscoring the challenges faced by lawmakers in addressing contentious topics while upholding the principles of democratic discourse.

Oregon Rep Earl Blumenauer Retires

Representative Earl Blumenauer, a Democrat representing Oregon for nearly three decades, declared on Monday that he will not seek re-election. This announcement signifies the end of a distinguished career that has spanned over five decades, with Blumenauer having served at various levels of elected office. He stated that Congress is no longer his chosen platform for making a difference, prompting discussions among political observers.

Blumenauer, hailing from Portland, Oregon, has dedicated a significant part of his life to public service. In addition to his tenure in Congress, he also held roles as a state legislator, county commissioner, and city council member within Oregon. His journey to Congress began in 1996 when he won a special election, succeeding then-Representative Ron Wyden, who had been elected to the Senate.

Recognized for his unique style, Blumenauer has been a prominent figure on Capitol Hill for his iconic bowties and the bicycle pin on his lapel. Beyond his distinctive fashion sense, he has made a mark by founding and co-chairing the Congressional Bike Caucus, advocating for funding to improve nationwide bike infrastructure. With a legal background, Blumenauer held a coveted position on the influential House Ways and Means Committee, which focuses on tax-related legislation.

This retirement decision comes at a pivotal moment, as some of the policies Blumenauer has passionately championed may see progress if Democrats can regain control of the House in the upcoming elections. It’s a poignant moment for those who have followed his extensive career.

Blumenauer’s announcement is likely to generate interest among ambitious Democrats, as Oregon’s 3rd Congressional District, anchored in the liberal enclave of Portland, provides a secure stronghold for the party. Winning next year’s primary could potentially set the stage for a lengthy congressional career for the candidate who emerges victorious.

It’s worth noting that Blumenauer is not the only member of the House stepping aside in 2024. Several others, including Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.), Grace Napolitano (D-Calif.), Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.), John Sarbanes (D-Md.), and Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.), are also opting not to seek re-election. Additionally, 11 House members are pursuing U.S. Senate seats, setting the stage for significant changes in the political landscape.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, Earl Blumenauer’s decision to retire marks the end of an era in Oregon politics and paves the way for a new generation of leaders to emerge. The 3rd Congressional District’s future hangs in the balance, and all eyes will be on the upcoming primaries as the race to fill this coveted seat intensifies.

Jeff Jackson To Run for NC Attorney General

In a political move that caught many by surprise, U.S. Rep. Jeff Jackson has chosen a new path in his career, one that might reshape the landscape of North Carolina’s politics. The announcement, delivered via Twitter, wasn’t just about his decision to run for Attorney General; it was also a bold statement against the controversial redrawing of congressional districts. In this blog post, we’ll explore Jeff Jackson’s surprising career pivot, the dynamics of the Attorney General race, and the early sparks of controversy.

Defying the Redistricting Game

Jeff Jackson didn’t hold back in his video announcement. He lambasted the recently redrawn congressional districts, calling them “blatant political corruption by a small group of politicians.” Clearly, he’s had enough of the political maneuvers and is prepared to take a stand.

Jeff Jackson’s Vision

As a candidate for North Carolina’s Attorney General, Jackson has laid out an ambitious vision. He’s committed to fighting for North Carolina families on several fronts: protecting them from consumer fraud, ensuring children’s safety online, combating the opioid epidemic, and preserving clean air and water. The transition from lawmaking to law enforcement might raise questions for some, but Jackson isn’t a newcomer to the legal arena. He has experience as a prosecutor in Gaston County, and that’s a critical part of his resume.

The Race Takes Shape

The 2024 election for North Carolina’s Attorney General promises to be a fiercely contested one, particularly with the incumbent Democrat, Josh Stein, eyeing the governor’s seat. With Jeff Jackson’s entry into the race, he emerges as the immediate frontrunner, overshadowing lesser-known candidates who’ve joined the fray.

On the Republican side, Rep. Dan Bishop, representing North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District, is the solitary contender so far. Bishop’s reaction to Jackson’s announcement has already set the stage for a battle of words. He took to Twitter to label Jackson as a “TikToker” and a “woke liberal,” accusing him of being weak on crime. He even added a Chinese translation to his post, suggesting that Jackson is somehow unpatriotic.

A Verbal Clash of Ideologies

The North Carolina Democratic Party swiftly responded, denouncing Bishop’s remarks as a “dog-whistle” and “racist rhetoric.” Representative Ya Liu, a Democrat from Wake County, vehemently criticized Bishop’s statements. She argued that this wasn’t just an attack on Chinese Americans but an affront to more than 400,000 Asian Americans and nearly one million immigrants in North Carolina. She emphasized that immigrants and their families are not “unamerican” and accused Dan Bishop of a long history of targeting minority communities and promoting conspiracy theories.

A Political Saga Unfolds

With this surprising career move by Jeff Jackson, the 2024 Attorney General race in North Carolina is already shaping up to be a political saga filled with intrigue and controversy. The decision to run for Attorney General is a bold one, and it has the attention of many political observers. With the current political climate and the tensions surrounding this race, North Carolina’s 2024 Attorney General election is likely to be a gripping story to follow. Be sure to stay tuned for more updates as we delve into this unfolding political narrative.