Senator Devlin Robinson Announces Re-Election Bid

Devlin Robinson

In a not-so-ordinary turn of events, Republican State Senator Devlin Robinson officially announced his bid for re-election, accompanied by a surprising endorsement from the Pittsburgh Regional Building Trades Council, a significant labor group encompassing 33 locals. The endorsement adds a unique flavor to Robinson’s campaign, highlighting his commitment to the people of the 37th District and his ongoing efforts to be their voice in Harrisburg.

Robinson, a Marine Corps veteran with combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, returned to his roots in Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, where he started a medical-supply business. Elected to the 37th District seat in 2020, Robinson is now seeking a second term, emphasizing that there’s still much work to be done on behalf of his constituents.

The district, a crescent-shaped region connecting North Hills and South Hills suburbs through the airport area, was traditionally considered a swing district. However, recent boundary changes have shifted the dynamics in favor of Republicans.

Facing competition from educator and former Jefferson Hills borough council member Nicole Ruscitto, Robinson is gearing up for what promises to be a closely watched race. Democrats have already begun painting Robinson as an extremist, pointing out his alleged alignment with failed gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano.

Robinson dismisses these claims, asserting his independence and stating that procedural votes account for the high percentage of alignment with his party. Despite his conservative stance, Robinson has secured an unexpected endorsement from the Pittsburgh Regional Building Trades Council, showcasing an unusual alliance between a Republican candidate and organized labor.

The endorsement is not without substance. Robinson has collaborated with unions on key issues such as preventing worker misclassification and supporting a benefits fund for ride-share drivers. As the chair of the Senate’s Labor and Industry Committee, Robinson sponsored an amendment to a bill aimed at preventing contractors from misclassifying workers, a move appreciated by the labor community.

Among his proudest achievements, Robinson cites thwarting a proposal by former Governor Tom Wolf to impose tolls on I-79, a major highway running through the district. According to Robinson, this was a crucial victory for the people in the region who see tolls as a warning sign every time bureaucrats see a dollar sign.

Despite his conservative stance on certain issues, Robinson highlights his ability to work across the aisle, referencing collaboration on a bill providing free breast and ovarian cancer screenings for high-risk women. He insists that many negotiations take place behind the scenes, contributing to a more collaborative legislative process than meets the public eye.

As the campaign unfolds, Robinson remains committed to keeping the district’s perspectives in mind. While not committing to Democratic or labor priorities like raising the state’s minimum wage, he expresses a willingness to consider such proposals. On contentious issues like abortion laws, Robinson indicates a preference for maintaining the status quo, respecting the district’s prevailing sentiments.

In the coming months, the battle for the 37th District will undoubtedly intensify, with Robinson’s independent streak and unexpected labor endorsement adding intriguing dimensions to the political landscape. The voters will decide whether Robinson’s record and endorsements align with their vision for the future.

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