Portuguese PM António Costa Resigns

António Costa

Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa has announced his resignation following a widespread corruption investigation involving his government, creating ripples of shock in the otherwise tranquil political landscape of the European Union member.

The 62-year-old Costa, who has led Portugal’s Socialist party since 2015, took to the national stage in a televised address to assert his innocence while making the startling announcement. He said, “In these circumstances, obviously, I have presented my resignation to the president of the republic.”

Costa, who secured a surprising absolute majority in a snap general election held in January 2022, was set to embark on his third consecutive term as prime minister. Despite his willingness to serve the entirety of this legislative period with dedication, he emphasized that he would not be running in any upcoming elections.

The shockwave came after Portuguese media reported the detention of at least five individuals, including Costa’s chief of staff, Vítor Escária, and his friend, business consultant Diogo Lacerda Machado. Costa’s Socialist government had been a fervent supporter of various schemes to extract lithium in different parts of Portugal as part of the EU’s broader effort to secure critical raw materials. However, these projects have faced significant controversy due to concerns about the quality of elements to be extracted and the anticipated environmental damage.

The state prosecutor’s office revealed that the Supreme Court is investigating the “use of the prime minister’s name and his involvement” in allegedly illicit activities. The probe has also implicated the Minister of Infrastructure, João Galamba, and the head of the environmental agency.

Portuguese President Rebelo de Sousa confirmed that he had accepted Costa’s resignation and would be meeting with party leaders in the coming week. The president now faces the pivotal decision of either dissolving parliament and calling for new elections or allowing Costa’s socialists, who hold a parliamentary majority, to form a new government.

The unexpected resignation of Prime Minister Costa has undoubtedly thrown Portuguese politics into a state of flux. As the nation awaits the president’s decision, the future of the government remains uncertain, and the ongoing corruption probe will undoubtedly be closely watched both within Portugal and beyond its borders.


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