Mike Reichenbach Announces Bid for Re-election

Mike Reichenbach

Senator Mike Reichenbach officially declared his intention to seek re-election on Thursday, cementing his commitment to the constituents of District 31. Reichenbach, who won the special election in March 2022 following the passing of longtime Senator Hugh Leatherman, is gearing up for another round in the political arena.

In a campaign video released to the public, Reichenbach took the opportunity to reflect on his achievements during his time in the Senate, particularly emphasizing his dedication to fulfilling the promises he made to voters. The video showcased his conservative record and highlighted the key points of his 10-point “Contract with the Pee Dee,” a pledge he made during his 2022 campaign.

One notable aspect of Reichenbach’s political career is his commitment to the community, demonstrated by his decision to donate his entire Senate salary to local charities. This philanthropic gesture, along with his co-sponsorship of term-limit legislation, reflects a politician who aligns actions with promises.

“I’m grateful for the constituents and voters in District 31 who voted for us,” Reichenbach expressed in the video. However, he coupled this gratitude with humility, acknowledging that there is much work still to be done. “The humility of realizing there’s so much work to be done,” he added, recognizing the challenges that lie ahead for him and his team.

Reichenbach, a successful businessman known for job creation and a dedicated volunteer law enforcement officer, entered the political arena through a special election in 2022. His announcement for re-election positions him to build upon the foundations laid during his initial term.

During his tenure, Reichenbach has worked tirelessly alongside his wife, Charisse, to ensure that the voices of their constituents are not only heard but also accurately represented in the Senate. In his reelection announcement, he reiterated the seriousness with which he and his wife approach their roles as representatives of the Pee Dee region in the state Senate.

“Charisse and I are in awe of the responsibility we have in representing the people of the Pee Dee in the state Senate,” Reichenbach stated. “This service is one that we take very seriously and that we work daily on to ensure our constituents’ voices are heard properly and represented accordingly.”

As Reichenbach looks forward to the upcoming election, he expressed gratitude for the support received thus far and asked for continued prayers and votes from the community. “While we are grateful for the work we have been able to achieve for our neighbors, we pray fervently for God’s continued guidance and our neighbors’ continued support, prayer, and vote to continue this service in the state Senate,” he concluded.

With his track record, commitment to community service, and emphasis on accountability, Senator Mike Reichenbach’s bid for re-election is likely to garner attention and support from constituents in Florence County. As the election season unfolds, it will be interesting to see how Reichenbach’s conservative values and dedication to his promises resonate with the American audience in District 31.

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