Koch Network Backs Nikki Haley for 2024 Presidential Run

Nikki Haley

The influential political network funded by billionaire Charles Koch, Americans for Prosperity Action, has officially endorsed former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley for the 2024 presidential race. The move signals a significant challenge to the current Republican front-runner, former President Donald Trump.

The endorsement, announced on Tuesday, comes after a year-long quest by the Koch-backed super PAC to identify a viable Republican alternative capable of challenging Trump in the upcoming primaries. The decision is expected to have far-reaching implications, shaking up the Republican field just seven weeks before the crucial Iowa caucuses. Americans for Prosperity Action, armed with substantial resources and a legion of conservative activists, is set to throw its considerable weight behind Haley’s primary campaign.

The endorsement adds to the momentum that Haley has been gathering in recent weeks, particularly following the exit of South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott from the race. The Koch Network’s support adds to a growing list of prominent figures aligning themselves with the former South Carolina governor.

The influential political group released a memo explaining its support for Haley, stating, “In sharp contrast to recent elections that were dominated by the negative baggage of Donald Trump and in which good candidates lost races that should have been won, Nikki Haley, at the top of the ticket, would boost candidates up and down the ballot.”

Acknowledging the deep political divisions in the country, Americans for Prosperity Action emphasized Haley as the choice candidate, describing her as a “tested leader with the governing judgment and policy experience to pull our nation back from the brink.”

Nikki Haley expressed gratitude for the endorsement, stating, “I’m honored to have the support of Americans for Prosperity Action, including its millions of grassroots members all across the country. A.F.P. Action’s members know that there is too much at stake in this election to sit on the sidelines.”

Aside from the groundswell of support, Americans for Prosperity Action has already demonstrated its financial muscle, raising over $70 million in the 2024 election cycle. Charles Koch, with an estimated net worth exceeding $50 billion, is a formidable force in the world of political financing, aligning himself with free-market economic policies and, to a lesser extent, libertarian-leaning social policies.

In a separate memo, the political group focused on Nikki Haley’s economic agenda, providing insights into the factors that influenced their endorsement. This announcement, however, dealt a significant blow to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who enjoyed AFP Action’s endorsement during his successful reelection campaign just a year ago.

As the 2024 presidential race gains momentum, the endorsement by the Koch-backed network introduces a new dynamic into the Republican landscape, setting the stage for a closely watched and potentially transformative primary season.

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