Dean Phillips Challenges Biden for 2024 Presidential Nomination

Dean Phillips

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) announced on Thursday that he is challenging President Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2024. The 54-year-old congressman said he was motivated by Biden’s low approval ratings and poor performance against Republican opponents.

“I admire President Biden, 80, but believe it is time for a new generation of Democrats to lead the party, especially with former President Donald Trump poised to potentially be the Republican presidential nominee,” Phillips said in a statement.

Phillips said he has studied polling data and is alarmed about the prospect of Trump beating Biden in a rematch of the 2020 election. “I believe that we need a new generation of leadership in the Democratic Party,” he said. “We need a leader who will unite the country, not divide it. We need a leader who will stand up to the Republicans and fight for our values. And we need a leader who will get things done.”

Phillips has honed his centrist message since he was first elected to the House in 2018. He is a member of the New Democrat Coalition, a group of moderate Democrats who focus on economic growth and bipartisanship.

Phillips’ decision to challenge Biden is a sign of the growing dissatisfaction among some Democrats with the president. A recent poll by CNN found that 59% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say they would prefer someone other than Biden to be the Democratic nominee in 2024.

Biden’s approval ratings have been underwater for months. A recent poll by FiveThirtyEight found that Biden’s average approval rating is 39.5%, while his disapproval rating is 56.9%.

Biden’s age is also a concern for some Democrats. He will be 82 years old on Election Day 2024, making him the oldest president in American history.

Phillips is not the only Democrat who is considering challenging Biden in 2024. Other potential candidates include Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

It is still too early to say whether Phillips will be able to mount a serious challenge to Biden. However, his decision to enter the race is a sign that there is a growing appetite for change among some Democrats.


Phillips’ decision to challenge Biden is a bold move, given the president’s incumbency and the support he enjoys from the Democratic establishment. However, Phillips may be able to capitalize on the growing dissatisfaction among some Democrats with Biden.

Phillips’ centrist message could appeal to some Democratic voters who are looking for an alternative to Biden’s more progressive policies. Additionally, Phillips’ focus on generational change could resonate with younger Democratic voters.

However, Phillips will face a number of challenges in his bid to challenge Biden. He will need to raise a significant amount of money and build a strong campaign team. He will also need to get his message out to voters and convince them that he is the best candidate to defeat Trump in 2024.

It remains to be seen whether Phillips will be able to mount a serious challenge to Biden. However, his decision to enter the race is a sign that there is a growing appetite for change among some Democrats.

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