Councilwoman Anna Thomasson Announces Candidacy for Mayor of Paradise Valley

anna Thomasson

In a move that has been anticipated by many, Councilwoman Anna Thomasson has officially declared her candidacy for mayor of the Town of Paradise Valley, with the primary election scheduled for August 6, 2024. Thomasson, who is currently serving her second consecutive term as an elected leader in Paradise Valley, filed her formal intentions on January 26, expressing her commitment to maintaining the town’s beauty, peace, and safety.

Inspired by the leadership of Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner and past mayors, Thomasson shared her vision for the town with the Digital Free Press, stating, “For 30 years, including six years of volunteer service on Town Council, Paradise Valley has been my home. We have a beautiful, peaceful, and safe community, and I am passionate about keeping it that way.”

Having served on the Board of Adjustment in 2018 by appointment, Thomasson highlighted her dedication to the town’s well-being during her tenure, addressing critical issues such as short-term rental reform, resort redevelopment, threats to 1-acre zoning, and navigating the challenges posed by the pandemic on resort revenues.

“As a former vice mayor and councilmember, I have worked exceptionally hard to listen and lead as our council has tackled various challenges,” she stated. “Our town is in great shape, and I will work with our council, staff, and volunteers to keep it that way.”

Thomasson’s extensive service to the Town of Paradise Valley includes roles as a liaison to the Historical Advisory Committee, where she contributed to the Town’s 60th Anniversary Commemorative magazine. She also served as chair of the ACOPS committee for public safety and, most recently, was unanimously elected Vice Mayor while also serving as a liaison to the Planning Commission. Known for her active participation in community events, Thomasson has earned a reputation as an engaged councilmember, frequently attending community meetings and even walking the town with one of her German Shepherds.

With a successful 35-year Fortune 500 consulting career under her belt, Thomasson expressed her readiness to prioritize serving Paradise Valley as her first and foremost commitment. “Thanks to a successful 35-year Fortune 500 consulting career, I’m fortunate to have the skills and time to make serving Paradise Valley my first priority,” she said. “People describe me as ‘all in,’ and if I’m not walking the town or at a legislative hearing, I’m at every coffee with a cop, Planning Commission meeting, mayor’s breakfast, neighborhood meeting, breakfast group, or social lunch. I love this Town and have the passion to outwork anyone as well as the courage and skills to lead collaboratively.”

In her bid for mayor, Thomasson positions herself as the candidate to continue the legacy of excellence left by the town’s past leaders. “Our past mayors have left us a legacy of excellence, and I aspire to continue that legacy,” she affirmed.

As the election season unfolds, the residents of Paradise Valley will have the opportunity to evaluate Councilwoman Anna Thomasson’s vision for the future and decide whether she is the leader to guide their town forward.

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